For Research Scientists

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Information Flier

We are requesting two visits to your organisation by a Student Teacher with existing specialisations in Science/Maths:

  1. Visit one - up to four hours - student teacher visits you to identify the ‘STEM’ happening in your site - usually a tour of your business, some opportunities to see the kind of work you do in action and conversations with appropriate team members. Ideally they leave with a ‘common issue’ faced in your industry related to STEM that might engage their future students to enter the relevant workforce.

    Ideally visit one will take place on Thursday the 13th of October 2023. The student teachers typically engage in their Science Teaching workshop around this time, however any other time/date in this week (week of the 11th) could be suitable.

  2. Visit two - up to three hours - student teacher returns to you, perhaps accompanied by a Flinders University Research Scientist, with ideation on the 'common issue’ from visit one, some ways they will take this to their future classrooms, etc. short presentation by the student about what their plan for action will be.

    Ideally visit two will take place on Thursday 27th of October 2023. Though any other time/date in this week (week of the 25th) could be suitable.

If you are willing to be involved, please contact

Purpose of the project

To increase the understanding of high school students about how science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) are used in real world contexts, by allowing student teachers to experience first hand the practical application of STEM theory within industry. The intention is that this experience improves the student teachers ability to give high school students a greater appreciation of the value of learning and understanding STEM skills.

How will this be achieved?

By allowing student teachers to have a real world experience involving a visit to industry in order to understand how STEM is being used, to identify an industry issue and then involve research scientists to assist with providing expert thinking towards addressing the issue, and communicating this information back to industry.
