Pre-Service Teacher Project Information

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Pre-Service Teacher Information

Project Purpose

Our aim is to increase the understanding of secondary school students about how science, technology engineering and maths (STEM) are used in real-world contexts, by allowing student teachers to experience first-hand the practical application of STEM skills within industry.

We want this experience to improve your ability to inspire secondary school students and reinforce the value of learning and understanding Science & STEM.

Our goal is to contribute to the development of industries future workforce, and South Australia’s STEM skills-based economy.

How will we achieve this?

You will identify, translate and communicate a STEM-based industry issue and then work with research scientists and innovation professionals who will provide expert thinking towards addressing the issue and developing solutions. You will present this information back to industry - potentially accompanied by the research scientists.

Learn what we communicate to industry here.

The research

As a participant in this research project you are invited to:

In both the questionnaires and in the focus group interviews you will be asked to share your views on the connections between science knowledge and its application in society, approaches to learning and teaching, creative problem solving and the usefulness of pre- service teacher engagement in STEM industries.

Your participation in this research study is entirely voluntary.

How will I benefit from this research?

As a pioneer in this area you will have access to ongoing connections to industries, and connections to research scientists at Flinders University. If you are successful, this will provide an opportunity to boost your resume.
